Saturday, 18 February 2017

Why does my TV say no signal? Help with TV aerial signal / repair / installation / digital tv.

Why does my TV say no signal? Why does it keep pixelating all the time?
Ok whenever the tv displays a no signal message when the tv input is on DTV or also called digital tv. First try auto tune on DTV. One of the reason's why a TV says no signal is because it is on the wrong input which should be DTV. Don't go climbing on the roof just yet. If the TV comes on great, and please do like us online and follow us on,,, If you have moved house try re-tuning the TV sometimes if you lucky that may be all you need. Let us know if this helped, feel free to contact Aerials Plus Hamilton 021 171 1083, for help with aerial installations and repairs. Helping you to receive a digital signal to your TV for a high definition quality picture.

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